Don’t Set Limits
There aren’t rules.
Don’t look for others’ thought and rules, other’s limitations to what they can and can’t do with energy healing to define your own. That’s your mind simply getting in the way of the energy healing process.
Just imagine what you would do - how would you focus on something that doesn’t belong and take it out? You may imagine it doing that in a different way, and that’s okay. Creativity is the key. Set the intention. Then experiment with what others do and at the same time, expand your practice and thoughts to find YOUR own way and style to help with energy healing.
The Energy Intelligence
We vibrate different information and different connections into different planes of reality. So what works for one healer may or may not work for another. Always be YOUR own guide.
Expanding Energy Healing Techniques
As discussed in this section, I will generate energy, move and place it in an area where it needs to be.
However, if that doesn’t work, I will take a step back and see if the brain is connecting to that part of the body and run energy between the brain and that part of the body.
For trying to heal things like allergies - - I try to focus on anyone’s body where they may have any energetic parasites (energy that doesn’t belong in the body that is draining us) and focus on it and move it out.
Real Healing will Work Whether You Believe or Not
If you set the intention, you can connect. You don’t need to believe to connect. It’s simply about setting the intention to.