Healing Insights

These are some of my favorite quotes and insights from leading healing experts, including all those featured in Heal, an amazing documentary on how the mind affects the body in sickness and in health. I hope these quotes will help inspire you to take a closer look at how to heal whether it’s for physical, emotional or spiritual needs.


Everything starts and manifests in the mind.

Toxic thoughts produce toxic chemicals (within your body)……Tonic thoughts produce tonic chemicals. - Michael Bernard Beckwith

Stress hormones inhibit the immune system… If I can change my perception, my mind, my belief about life, I can change the signals that are going in and adjusting the function of my cells. - Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.

The power of belief is almost everything. What you are believing and telling yourself in this moment is telling your immune system (to continue) or to stop & not work because we got to run from this stressor. You are either in fight or flight….or you are in rest and repair. It’s your beliefs that toggle this switch. - Kelly Turner, Ph.D.

The inner environment of thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs can be either healing or toxic. - Gregg Braden

The brain doesn’t distinguish between real and imaginary. Research shows your brain changes as we do something and changes by about the same amount by just imagining doing the same thing instead. - David Hamilton, Ph.D.

What you think - and how you feel because of your thoughts - and then what manifests in your actual experience will always match. You get what you think about, whether it is something wanted or unwanted. - Abraham Hicks

Emotional blockages lead to physical blockages.

The emotion we feel in our heart….that emotion sends a signal to the brain. That signal determines what our brain does in response. (If we feel good about ourselves), we generate nice, even, coherent waves and the brain will match that with nice, smooth, organic chemistry and it will release that back into the body. (When we are stressed/have anxiety), that signal looks chaotic, unorganized and those jagged waves going from heart to brain….the brain then says I need to match that chemistry – this is stress chemistry. - Gregg Braden

When we are in a state of stress, our energy field goes into a state of resistance….our blood is affected – it heats up, cools down, affects our pH, becomes more acidic, and when we become more acidic, inflammation occurs.  This fire starts to burn (our body) the house down… - Dr. Darren Weissman D.C.

Without any shadow of a doubt there is a mind-body connection. Thinking, believing, (feeling) emotions all cause substantial chemical, physiological and biological changes throughout the body. - David Hamilton, Ph.D.

Chronic illness is not connected to trauma (where medicine makes miracles) - chronic illness is connected to the mind. - Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.

You don’t think that stuff (in your head) matters until that stuff turns into matter. Then we call it dis-ease with a label. - Patti Penn, Reiki Master

Fear, doubt & worry produce toxic chemicals that flow through the body which creates a condition of dis-ease….that then turns into disease. - Michael Bernard Beckwith

Every thought you have programs the cells in your body. Stop telling your body what you don’t want (i.e. I don’t want this stress, I don’t want this sore back..) and start telling your body what you do want and see what happens…. - Rob Wergin


Forgiveness, Gratitude & Power of Belief - Our Body’s Strongest Dose of Medicine

All forgiveness is self-forgiveness including the resentment I may hold toward others, All those thoughts are within me and affect me. Even if somebody did me wrong, I still have those thoughts, and they affect my body and my blood chemistry.  When I forgive, I am releasing that unforgiveness so I am actually forgiving myself.  It doesn’t let that other person off the hook – but it has nothing to do with them.  It has everything to do with me (and my health). - Michael Bernard Beckwith

Forgiveness when it comes to your emotions is the greatest access there is in letting go – letting go of that inner judgement, (having) the victim mindset, (sending out) blame. If you can recognize life is working FOR you and not against you, you will generate healing. - Peter Crone

When you meditate, your pituitary gland releases everything good your body makes is released when you meditate – Kelly Turner, Ph.D.

The more we can feel the feeling as if our healing has already occurred – giving thanks for that healing already being present – that is our trigger for our bodies to grow the nerve cells to make the connection to trigger the brain chemistry to reflect that healing.   What we think, feel, believe, emotions  that we choose to respond to what life brings to our doorstep. - Gregg Braden

Just as thoughts are the language of the brain, feelings are the language of the body. How you think and feel create your state of being. - Joe Dispenza, Ph.D.

When there is an alignment with thought and purpose, the body will begin to shift, regenerate and rejuvenate. - Michael Bernard Beckwith

The more that you stay in the state of being that you prefer to be …and the more that you act from that state in your life…and the more you extract a positive and beneficial effect from it…the sooner & stronger you will experience the preferred physicality. - Bashar

If you are truly present, the brain does not know the difference between what you’re imaging and what you’re experiencing. Can you give thanks for a new life before it’s made manifest? Because the longer you feel gratitude, the more you’re drawing your new future to you. The latest research in neuroscience shows that when you close your eyes and begin to think about your future and embrace the emotions you are going to feel when that event happens, that you are actually installing the neurological circuitry of that experience in your brain. - Joe Dispenza, Ph.D.

Inspiring Words of Wisdom

Happiness depends on the thoughts you think about others and not the thoughts they think about you. - Abraham Hicks

Everything is energy. Anything that you experience internally is your energy, and no one else’s. Match the Frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality. - Bashar

You are the vibrational writer of your life script, and everyone else in the Universe is playing the part you have assigned them. - Abraham Hicks

When you are looking for a solution, you are feeling and generating positive emotion. But when you are looking and enhancing a problem, you are feeling and creating negative emotion. - Abraham Hicks